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Abbot's Kitchen

Glasgow University Archive Services, Building Photographs

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Abbot's Kitchen

Interior of the Chemistry Laboratories in the "Abbot's Kitchen" at the University of Glasgow, 1954.

The Abbot's Kitchen was located on the east side of the Gilbert Scott Building. In the photograph, rows of benches can be seen complete with individual basins, lighting, gas taps and fume cupboard.

By the 1930s Abbot's Kitchen, and the temporary out-buildings adjoining it, had fallen into disrepair and were no longer suited to conducting scientific experiments. To illustrate the problem the Professor of Chemistry arranged for his students to conduct a serious of noxious experiments during a visit by the Rector, Sir Iain Colquhoun, who was a health fanatic. Suitably appalled, he intervened with the Principal, and work began on a new Chemistry building in 1936. The Abbot's Kitchen was finally demolished in 1957.

Reference: Glasgow University Archive Services, PHU52/7

University of Glasgow

Abbot's Kitchen, chemistry, classrooms, Gilbert Scott Building, laboratories, University of Glasgow buildings

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