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Boyd Orr Building

Glasgow University Archive Services, Building Photographs

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Boyd Orr Building

The University of Glasgow's Boyd Orr building, looking east along University Avenue in 1972. Most of the terraced houses in Ashton Road, in the foreground, had been demolished to make way for the new block and for the realigned avenue.

This picture demonstrates the way in which the vast reinforced concrete bulk of the Boyd Orr Building dominates its surroundings. On the centre right is the Bower Building which housed the Botany Department, and above it is the tower and the main University building on Gilmorehill, designed by George Gilbert Scott. To the extreme left are upper floors of the Queen Margaret Union, Adam Smith Building, and the University Library. The empty piece of ground to the right of University Avenue was the site of the Glasgow Western Infirmary residences (demolished 2000), and in 2002 the new Wolfson Medical School.

In 2003 there are plans (hotly opposed by local residents) to erect a biomedical and cardiovascular centre with tall so-called "Bio-Towers" next to the medical school.

Reference: Glasgow University Archive Services, PHU10/3

University of Glasgow

Adam Smith Building, Bio-towers, botany, Bower Building, Boyd Orr Building, Gilbert Scott Building, Glasgow University Library, libraries, Queen Margaret Union, Streetscenes, University of Glasgow buildings, Wolfson Medical School Building

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