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Adam Smith Library

Glasgow University Archive Services, Building Photographs

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Adam Smith Library

Interior of the Adam Smith Library in the University of Glasgow's Adam Smith Building, 1973.

In addition to its main Library the University has a number of smaller class or departmental libraries. The Adam Smith is located on the first floor of the Adam Smith Building, Bute Gardens, Hillhead. It is primarily a library for undergraduates studying Social Sciences or Psychology.

The library, like the building, is named for Adam Smith (1723-1790), former student and the Professor of Moral Philosophy (1752-1764) at the University and the author of An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1766).

Reference: Glasgow University Archive Services, PHU6/2

University of Glasgow

Adam Smith Building, Adam Smith Library, interiors, libraries, psychology, reading rooms, social sciences, students, University of Glasgow, University of Glasgow buildings, women

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