The laying of the foundation stone of the University of Glasgow's new buildings at Gilmorehill, 8 October 1868.
The first stone of the new building had been laid on 4 April 1867. On 8 October the following year, the Prince and Princess of Wales performed the foundation stone-laying ceremony in the footings of the archway which was to lead from the main entrance into the cloisters. A large raised wooden platform was erected within the skeleton of the new building to accommodate the invited guests, and a temporary marquee to cover the foundation stones. A "time capsule" glass jar was inserted in a cavity in each of the stones, one each for the Prince and Princess. 20,000 people attended the ceremony, and many spectators climbed trees and scaffolding to get a better view (see the top left corner of this picture).
The new building, best known as the Gilbert Scott Building in honour of the architect, was formally opened on 7 November 1870 by the Chancellor, the Duke of Montrose. The foundation stone plaques are still visible next to the cloisters under the Bute Hall.
Reference: Glasgow University Archive Services, PHU2/78
University of Glasgow
Bute Hall, cloisters, foundation stone ceremonies, foundation stones, Gilbert Scott Building, Royal visits, time capsules, University of Glasgow buildings
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