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Humanity Classroom

Glasgow University Archive Services, Building Photographs

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Humanity Classroom

Humanity Classroom in the south-west corner of the Gilbert Scott Building, University of Glasgow, 1975.

The Humanity Classroom has remained largely unchanged since its construction in 1870. It has original benches and wood panelling around the walls of the room. The names and dates of the Cowan Medal winners are depicted on shields around the walls and on boards on the right-hand side of the room. Three paintings of former professors of Humanities hang above the lecturer's podium, and more are on the walls around the room. On the podium is the Blackstone Chair, used until 1858 for general examination questioning, and subsequently for the annual Cowan Latin examination. There is also a bench and blackboard to allow the lecturer to give demonstrations.

Reference: Glasgow University Archive Services, PHU2/6

University of Glasgow

auditoria, auditoriums, Blackstone Chair, chairs, class prizes, classrooms, Cowan Medal, examinations, exams, Gilbert Scott Building, Humanities, Humanity Class Room, Latin, lecture theatres, podiums, University of Glasgow buildings

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