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The Stick Robbery

GUL, Sp Coll, Northern Looking Glass

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The Stick Robbery

A coloured cartoon from the Northern looking Glass 3 March 1826, entitled "The Stick Robbery". The cartoon refers to an incident in the Drygate one Saturday night. A shopkeeper placed 10 shillings (50p) in change on the counter for his customer. Suddenly, a long stick freshly dipped in tar was thrust through the door and slapped down on the coins. The thief then ran off, with 5 shillings and sixpence (27.5p) stuck to his tarry cudgel.

Reference: Sp Coll Bh14-x.8

Glasgow University Library, Special Collections

coins, cudgels, customers, fashions, Glasgow Looking Glass, lithographs, Northern Looking Glass, robberies, robbers, shopkeepers, shops, thieves

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