Coloured cartoon from the Northern Looking Glass 14 November 1825, the first in a pair entitled "Glasgow Civic Honours". This cartoon is entitled "Council Chambers", and the second is "Trades Hall". The cartoons are accompanied by an extract from a report in the Glasgow Courier:
"Glasgow has been for some years past distinguished by a Chair of State, commonly denominated "Convener Graham's Chair"; but this article, being exclusively the property of the Trades House can only receive the august persons of the Deacons Convener. The late Deacon Convenor, however, anxious for the honour and glory of the other constituent members of our local government, and as a memorial of past times, jucundi acti labores ["memories of past labours are sweet"] has lately presented the Lord Provost and Bailies with a City State Bed, which is to be kept up during the remainder of the year and was produced for the first time in the Council Chambers on Tuesday last...".
The cartoon mockingly depicts bailies making themselves comfortable on the large new (and rose-strewn) bed.
Reference: Sp Coll Bh14-x.8
Glasgow University Library, Special Collections
beds, councillors, Deacon Convenors, Glasgow City Chambers, Glasgow Looking Glass, lithographs, Northern Looking Glass, roses, Town Council, Trades House
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