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William Ormond & Co
William Ormond & Co



GUL, Sp Coll, Northern Looking Glass

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A coloured cartoon from the Glasgow Looking Glass 25 June 1825 advertising "Griffin's Public Library" at 75 Hutcheson Street. The proprietor Richard Griffin is depicted as the mythical bird with which he shared his surname, standing behind the counter reading a book through an eye-glass. There are boxes of books delivered from London, Paris, Dublin and other cities piled on the floor. A sign on the wall advertises "Books at Half Price".

A history of Charles Griffin & Co records that Joseph Griffin opened a bookshop in the late 18th century and the business was carried on by his son Richard, who founded Richard Griffin & Co, publishers and booksellers. At the Glasgow shop, a department known as "Griffin's Public Library" offered books "selected for instruction and amusement in physics, metaphysics, theology, and natural and moral philosophy (and, in addition, daily newspapers and "folios of caricatures")." The company later moved to London.

Reference: Sp Coll Bh14-x.8

Glasgow University Library, Special Collections

advertisements, books, booksellers, bookshops, Charles Griffin & Co, eye-glasses, fashions, Glasgow Looking Glass, Griffin's Public library, griffins, hats, libraries, Northern Looking Glass, Richard Griffin & Co, soldiers, women

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