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Fashions for June

GUL, Sp Coll, Northern Looking Glass

Fashions for June

This coloured lithographic cartoon appears on the first page of the first issue of the Glasgow Looking Glass, 11 June 1825. It depicts promenaders showing off their latest fashions of an afternoon in Glasgow's Trongate.

The cartoon serves as a satirical comment on contemporary fashion trends and the Glaswegians who wore them. Note the exaggerated tailoring of the clothes, elaborate frills and bows and the over-stated hats. The absurdities of fashion and the fashion-conscious are emphasised by the impractical outfit sported by the tiny child on the left.

Reference: Sp Coll Bh14-x.8

Glasgow University Library, Special Collections

broadsheets, cartoons, children, dresses, fashions, Glasgow Looking Glass, hats, journals, Northern Looking Glass, parasols, periodicals, promenaders, satire, women

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