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Darnley Tenements

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection

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Darnley Tenements

Modern tenements in Glen Moriston Road, Darnley, photographed in 2004.

The tenements were built alongside the Brock Burn in the early 1970s. The Darnley estate was the last major municipal housing development undertaken by Glasgow Corporation, prior to its disappearance in the local government reorganisation of 1975. The blocks illustrated here have stood the test of time rather better than some of their contemporaries which have already been demolished.

Building and maintaining housing schemes like Darnley incurred a heavy financial burden for the city. In 2002 the Government offered to write off Glasgow's housing debt of over £900 million if tenants agreed to transfer ownership of the city's municipal housing from Glasgow City Council to Glasgow Housing Association. In a keenly contested ballot, over 50,000 of 77,807 tenants voted; 29,126 were in favour of the proposal and 20,836 against. The formal transfer of the city's housing stock took place on 7 March 2003.

Reference: Illustrations vol 48, p 33

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

council houses, flats, Glasgow Housing Association, housing debt, housing estates, housing schemes, housing stock transfer, tenements

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