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Sir J J Burnet

Mitchell Library, The Bailie

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Sir J J Burnet

Sir John James Burnet (1857-1938), one of Glasgow's best known architects.

Burnet was the son of another famous architect, John Burnet (1814-1901), who founded the firm of John Burnet & Son. Burnet Jnr studied architecture and engineering in Paris, and travelled widely in France and Italy, before returning to Glasgow to join the family firm. He is associated with a large number of well known Glasgow buildings, including the Athenaeum; the Royal Institute of Fine Arts (later Pettigrew & Stephens); the Clyde Navigation Trust buildings; the Glasgow Savings Bank; the extensions to Merchants' House; Barony Church; the Cenotaph; Charing Cross Mansions; Atlantic Chambers; the Alhambra Theatre and Elder Park Library.

The University of Glasgow has some outstanding examples of Burnet's work, including the University Chapel; the James Watt Engineering Building; George Service House and the Thomson Building. His designed many other prestigious buildings beyond Glasgow, such as the extension to the British Museum in London.

Reference: Mitchell Library, GC 052 BAI

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

Alhambra Theatre, architects, Athenaeum, Atlantic Chambers, Barony Parish Church, British Museum, Cenotaph, Charing Cross Mansions, Clyde Navigation Trust, Elder Park Library, George Service House, Glasgow Savings Bank, James Watt Engineering Building, John Burnet & Son, Merchants' House, Pettigrew & Stephens, Royal Institute of Fine Arts, Thomson Building, University Chapel, University of Glasgow

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