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Langside Library

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection, Bulletin Photographs

Langside Library

The counter and adult lending area in Langside Library, pictured shortly after the completion of modernisation in 1977.

Langside Library opened in 1915, the last of the Carnegie libraries to be built in the city but the first to be designed on the principle of open access. Previously, borrowers had to apply at the counter for a book, having retrieved a reference from the catalogue. Architect George Simpson's design allowed borrowers to go to the shelves to examine books before deciding to take them home.

In 1960 Glasgow libraries introduced a policy of upgrading and modernising older library buildings, as time and funds permitted. In the case of Langside, an extension was built with reddish bricks, to harmonise with the original sandstone building. Fitments were renewed, and an audio department established, with a stock of 5,500 records and tapes available for loan. A Real Learning Centre was introduced in February 2003.

Reference: Bulletin photographs, Box 3, City Libraries

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

audio services, community libraries, Langside Library, librarians, open access, Real Learning Centres, women

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