Barrington Drive, looking north from West Princes Street towards Great Western Road. The photograph appeared in the March 1985 issue of Glasgow City Council's newspaper The Bulletin, with the story of the launch of the Woodlands Community Development Trust to co-ordinate a £16 million programme of investment in housing, industry and services the area over the following five years.
There are indications from the photograph that improvements had already taken place. The tenements have been stone-cleaned, and the notice below the arrow says "no access to Gt. W. Road"; an unpleasant surprise for motorists who had been in the habit of using the streets connecting Woodlands Road to Great Western Road as a shortcut, but a welcome relief for residents.
Of the 6,500 people living in the area at the time, over 1,000 were Asians or Chinese. It was hoped that the trust would assist in developing a sense of unity and purpose among members of the community, who could join it (the first of its kind in Scotland) for just £1 a year.
Reference: Bulletin photographs, Box 10, March 1985
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
Asians, Bulletin, Chinese, community development trusts, ethnic minority groups, stone cleaning, streetscenes, tenements, trees, urban regeneration, Woodlands Community Development Trust
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