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Christmas 1905

Glasgow City Archives, Deposited Collections

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Christmas 1905

The front cover of Copland & Lye's Christmas catalogue for 1905. The claim that the Christmas exhibition at Caledonian House contained "toys from all quarters of the globe" was no idle boast. For almost a century Copland & Lye had a reputation for personal service, founded on a willingness to obtain articles in demand from wherever they could be sourced.

The store also had a reputation for charging reasonable prices, a claim which was drawn to customers' attention in the catalogue: "Discriminating buyers, in their perusal of this list, cannot help being surprised at the extremely modest prices charged, considering the goods are the finest procurable. Our long experience in the toy and fancy goods trades, and the unflagging energy of our buyers and agents enable us to purchase at rock bottom prices. All advantages gained in this way we share with our customers."

Reference: Glasgow City Archives, TD128/94

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

Caledonian House, Christmas presents, Christmas shopping, Copland & Lye, department stores, exhibitions, Santa Claus, shops, toys, trade catalogues

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