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Merchant City Redevelopment

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection, Bulletin Photographs

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Merchant City Redevelopment

New housing at the junction of Ingram Street and Albion Street, typical of the redevelopment of the Merchant City. The photograph appeared in the February 1989 issue of Glasgow City Council's newspaper The Bulletin, with the story that Glasgow's £70 million Merchant City project had been awarded a silver medal by the Europa Nostra judges.

The historic Merchant City area of Glasgow had come to be regarded as commercially obsolete by the 1960s. By 1980 a third of its land and buildings were vacant and considered to be of little commercial value, while the residential population was small. Glasgow City Council intervened, adopting a housing-led strategy aimed at the physical, social and economic renewal of the area. Funding by the Council and by the Scottish Development Agency attracted a considerable amount of private investment. There was a considerable increase in the residential population, stimulated by imaginative warehouse conversions, and the incomers in turn provided the stimulus for improved shopping and leisure facilities.

Reference: Bulletin photographs, Box 13, February 1989

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

apartment blocks, apartments, awards, Bulletin, economic regeneration, Europa Nostra, flats, Glasgow City Council, Scottish Development Agency, streetscenes, urban regeneration

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