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Andrew Hay

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection, Bulletin Photographs

Andrew Hay

Artist Andrew Hay with Lord Provost Susan Baird after the unveiling of his painting "Community Spirit". The picture appeared in the March 1991 issue of Glasgow City Council's newspaper The Bulletin. The painting was the result of a play entitled Blackhill Born and Bred funded by the city's Festivals Budget and performed at the Molendinar Community Education Centre, Blackhill.

After making a living for many years as a lorry driver, Andrew Hay finally took up painting at age 41. His often-bleak paintings of urban communities expressed his anger at the effects of industrial decline on working class areas of Glasgow. So evocative were they of their time that in 1987 the People's Palace bought ten of his paintings, which persuaded Hay to become a full-time artist. He was particularly active during Glasgow's year as European City of Culture in 1990, working as artist in residence in several public buildings.

Reference: Bulletin photographs, Box 13, March 1991

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

artists, Blackhill Born and Bred, Bulletin, Community Spirit, dogs, European City of Culture, lord provosts, lorry drivers, Molendinar Community Education Centre, paintings, People's Palace, Poll Tax

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