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Kentigern Baptising Converts

Mitchell Library

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Kentigern Baptising Converts

This drawing by J A Anderson depicts Saint Kentigern baptising converts before a stone circle in the parish of Stobo, near Peebles. There is a stained glass window in Stobo Kirk depicting Kentigern baptising Merlin in the River Tweed. In medieval times, Stobo was part of the See of Glasgow, and the Rector of Stobo owned Stobo Manse in Drygate.

Kentigern was born at Culross in Fife, and brought up by Saint Serf at his monastery there. He became a missionary on the Clyde under the patronage of the Christian King of Strathclyde, Rydderach Hael, who procured his consecration as bishop. For some thirteen years he lived an austere life in a cell on the banks of the Molendinar Burn, making many converts by his holy example and his preaching. A community was established there and it grew to become the town and then the city of Glasgow.

Kentigern spent some years in Wales, returned to Dumfriesshire and finally to Glasgow in 581. Popularly known as Mungo, he was buried beside the Molendinar. Glasgow Cathedral was built on the spot and dedicated in his honour. His tomb is in the crypt.

Reference: Mitchell Library, 285.241382 GUN

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

Christianity, converts, Glasgow Cathedral, River Tweed, saints, Stobo Kirk, Stobo Manse, stone circles

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