The Inner Court of Old College, University of Glasgow, drawn by Robert Billings in 1848. The figure in the niche above the arched doorway linking the inner with the outer courtyards is that of Zachary Boyd. Minister of the Barony Church in Glasgow, as well as Dean of Faculty, Rector and Vice-Chancellor at the University, Boyd left the University his manuscripts, books and £20,000 to provide new buildings and establish bursaries.
The Inner Court was the larger of the two courtyards or quadrangles in the complex off High Street. It was 103 feet long and 79 feet wide, paved with hewn stone and was enclosed by buildings of three storeys with conical towers. The University tower rose high above the western entrance to the square. It had a lightning rod on its north side and a clock which had a face for each side of the tower.
Reference: Mitchell Library, f720.941BIL
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
Barony Church, benefactors, busts, clock towers, clocks, courtyards, inner court, lightning rods, ministers, Old College, quadrangles, rectors, sculptures, towers, University of Glasgow
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