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Camphill Earthwork

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection

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Camphill Earthwork

A section of the "Camphill Earthwork" photographed in 1921. The earthwork is thought to have been erected to protect an Iron Age settlement and may be one of the oldest surviving man-made structures in Glasgow.

The outer rampart of the camp has a circumference of around 400 yards. It is believed that there were once many similar earthworks in the Glasgow area, but they disappeared as a result of agricultural and subsequently industrial and commercial development. Camphill survived by virtue of being located within the grounds of Queen's Park.

Reference: Mitchell Library, GC 941.435 REN

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

archaeology, Camphill Earthwork, camps, earthworks, hill forts, Iron Age, parks, prehistory, Queen's Park, ramparts

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