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High Street, 1955
High Street, 1955

 Caledonia Road UP Church
Caledonia Road UP Church

Linthouse Ford

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection

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Linthouse Ford

Ye Lunt hous Govean in 1662, drawn by T C F Brotchie in 1918.

In 1913, stepping stones were found on the site of new building berths at the Linthouse Shipyard. Members of the Old Govan Club examined the site and the stones, and from the report of club secretary John L Burnett, and referring to Blaeu's Atlas of 1694, Brotchie recreated the view of the old ford at this stretch of the River Clyde. The stepping stones were laid from the south bank out to the island, "Whytinch" (Whiteinch) in mid-stream and on to the north bank of the river. The smaller island to the left is Buck's Inch.

Reference: G941 435 L4

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

Blaeu's Atlas, Buck's Inch, fords, islands, Linthouse Shipyard, Old Govan Club, River Clyde, stepping stones, White Inch

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