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Execution of Dr Pritchard

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection

Execution of Dr Pritchard

"Lines On The Execution Of Dr Pritchard", a song preserved in a scrapbook entitled Old Glasgow Street Songs etc, 1850 which is held at the Mitchell Library.

This song is about the execution of Dr Edward Pritchard (1825-1865), who was found guilty of the murder of his wife and mother-in-law in 1865. Pritchard was the last man to be hanged in public in Glasgow: a crowd of 80,000-100,000 was reported to have attended his execution outside the Justiciary Buildings in Saltmarket, opposite Glasgow Green.

Reference: GC 398.5 GLA

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

folk songs, Glasgow Green, Justiciary Buildings, Justiciary Courts, Lines On The Execution Of Dr Pritchard, lyrics, murders, Old Glasgow Street Songs etc, 1850, physicians, poetry, poisoners, poisonings, public executions, public hangings, street songs

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