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Loch Katrine Sluices

Glasgow City Archives, Water Department

Loch Katrine Sluices

Thomas Annan photograph of 1876 showing the simple and relatively inexpensive works at the outlet of Loch Katrine to regulate the water level in the reservoir.

The main dam features two salmon ladders to ease the passage of migrating fish in Spring. Water is cascading down one of the ladders (centre), over its concrete steps. On the right is a 94-feet wide waste weir, built in case the loch should flood and overload the aqueduct.

Loch Katrine has a catchment area of 35.5 square miles collecting over 100 inches of rain per year. The reservoir had a storage capacity of 5,623 million gallons.

Reference: Glasgow City Archives, Water Department

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

aqueducts, dams, Loch Katrine Reservoir, reservoirs, salmon ladders, sluices, weirs

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