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High Street, 1955
High Street, 1955

Bomb Damage, Yorkhill

Glasgow City Archives, Clyde Navigation Trust

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Bomb Damage, Yorkhill

Bomb damage to the quayside at Yorkhill, photographed on 19 September 1942. The cruiser HMS Sussex had been moored at the quay and had been bombed during the previous night's raid, and several sailors died. Two thousand people living nearby were evacuated from their homes along with children from the Royal Hospital for Sick Children at Yorkhill, amid fears that burning fuel oil might ignite ammunition in the ship's magazine. It took twelve hours to extinguish the blaze.

The shipyards and other industries along the river were targeted by German bombers during air raids in 1940-1943, with the most serious and destructive attacks occurring in the spring and summer of 1941.

Reference: T-CN 19/10/Neg No. 36

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

air raids, Blitz, bomb damage, bombers, Clyde Navigation Trust, cruisers, evacuations, fires, HMS Sussex, quays, River Clyde, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Second World War, warships, Yorkhill Quay

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