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Scottish Musical Review 1896
Scottish Musical Review 1896

Yorkhill Quay

Glasgow City Archives, Clyde Navigation Trust

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Yorkhill Quay

Ships berthed at Yorkhill Quay, looking west from the entrance to Queen's Dock, 1924.

Robert McAlpine & Sons built Yorkhill Quay between 1907 and 1909. Yorkhill Basin (built at the western end of the quay, beyond the more distant ship in the photograph) was completed in 1910. The total length of the berthage provided by this development was 1,148 yards and cost the Trust £241,000.

The large steamship on the right of this image probably belonged to the Anchor Line, which transferred its New York passenger liner berths from Stobcross to the new facilities at Yorkhill.

Reference: T-CN 19/10/Neg No. R-39

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

Anchor Line, Clyde Navigation Trust, cranes, docks, liners, quays, Queen's Dock, River Clyde, Robert McAlpine & Sons, steam ships, steamers, Yorkhill Basin, Yorkhill Quay

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