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Pointhouse Inn

Glasgow City Archives, Clyde Navigation Trust

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Pointhouse Inn

A photograph of the old Pointhouse Inn in the early months of 1910, just prior to its demolition.

The Pointhouse Inn was a prominent landmark on the north bank of the river, where the Govan Ferry embarked and disembarked its passengers. The Pointhouse Shipyard opened in 1840 and subsequently encroached on the building, which was acquired for office accommodation by the shipbuilders A & J Inglis who occupied the yard between 1862 and 1919.

Reference: T-CN 19/11/Neg No. I 24

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

A & J Inglis, Govan Ferry, inns, offices, Pointhouse Inn, shipbuilders, shipbuilding, shipyards, taverns

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