An advertisement from the Post Office Glasgow directory of 1881-1882 for Alexander Chaplin & Co's steam-driven lifting machinery and other heavy plant. The advert shows a steam crane but also refers to steam navvies (large earth-moving machines for excavating docks, railway cuttings etc), deck hoists for ships, and various engines, boilers and pumps. Chaplins also built vertical-boilered shunting locomotives.
Alexander Chaplin & Co was established in 1849 and erected the Cranstonhill Engine Works in Port Street, c 1858. In 1891 the firm built a new engineering works in Helen Street in Govan.
Reference: Mitchell Library, DIR 1881-82
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
advertisements, Alexander Chaplin & Co, boilers, directories, earth-moving equipment, engineers, heavy plant manufacturers, portable steam engines, Post Office Glasgow directory, shunting locomotives, steam cranes, steam excavators, steam navvies
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