Part of an advertisement from the Post Office Glasgow directory of 1859-1860 for the Glasgow Tube and Metal Warehouse's self-regulating water closet or toilet.
The typhus and especially the cholera epidemics of the early and mid-19th century had emphasised the importance of providing access to supplies of fresh clean water to help combat disease, and the completion of the Loch Katrine water works in the late 1850s provided the city with a plentiful supply. Well-off Glaswegians rushed to install baths, sinks and toilets with running water in their homes.
Reference: Mitchell Library, DIR 1859-60
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
advertisements, directories, Glasgow Tube and Metal Warehouse, Post Office Glasgow directory, sanitary appliance manufacturers, sanitary appliances, sanitary engineers, sanitation, toilet bowls, toilets, water closets
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