Glasgow's Deaf and Dumb Institution was founded in 1819 and was housed in this building in Townhead, on the Barony Glebe. Founder John Anderson resigned in 1821, a year after this image was cut, and set up a private school in St Andrews Square. By 1868 the Townhead area was becoming increasingly overcrowded, noisy and choked with atmospheric pollution, and the institution moved to new premises in the south of the city, in the building that was later occupied by Langside College.
Reference: Mitchell Library GC 914.1435 GLA (1821)
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries, Information and Learning
Barony Glebe, Deaf and Dumb, Deaf and Dumb schools, disabilities, Glasgow Deaf and Dumb Institution, institutions, pollution, schools, schools for the deaf, schools for the dumb, special needs schools
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