Flats for single persons in Barlia Street in Castlemilk, 1958. Housing was provided for family units of varying sizes on the estate. Although the houses were already occupied, the road, pavements and grassy areas were unfinished when this photograph was taken.
As social problems mounted in Castlemilk during the 1960s and 1970s, people became more critical of the planning of the estate. In 1974 the local newspaper Castlemilk Today voiced its discontent: "Castlemilk was the planners' greatest achievement for they succeeded in packing more people into this area than any other. Something like 45,000 people (give or take 5,000 either way) into the biggest housing scheme in Europe, and something in the region of 10,500 houses have been built on 740 acres. A big soul-less compound, consisting of people, houses and schools, thin on the ground for shops and totally void of any social amenities."
Reference: Glasgow City Archives, AP9/7/28/89
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
Castlemilk Today, council houses, flats, housing estates, housing schemes, planning, single persons, streetscenes
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