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Glass panel by George Walton
Glass panel by George Walton

Scottish Musical Review 1896
Scottish Musical Review 1896

Glasgow Collection

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection, Bulletin Photographs

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Glasgow Collection

Librarians Anne Escott and Enda Ryan photographed selecting prints from the Glasgow Collection in the Mitchell Library in the May 1991 issue of Glasgow City Council's newspaper The Bulletin. Anne Escott (left) was the librarian in charge of the collection from 1990 to 1997, and Enda Ryan was appointed to the post in 2001 when the collection became part of Archives and Special Collections.

The Glasgow Collection consists of a wide range of materials which illustrate the life and growth of the city. The majority of the stock consists of paper-based materials - books (from the earliest book printed in Glasgow in 1638 to present day novels), maps, newspapers, periodicals, broadsides, engravings, postcards, photographs, watercolours, theatre and music hall playbills and programmes and directories. Other media are also well represented - glass plate negatives, slides, audio tapes, celluloid negatives and CDs. There is a popular family history section. It is a treasure trove for anyone who is interested in the history of Glasgow.

Reference: Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection, Bulletin Photographs

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

Archives and Special Collections, books, Bulletin, family history, genealogy, Glasgow Collection, Glasgow Room, librarians, libraries, local history, maps, Mitchell Library, newspapers, photographs, prints

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