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Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection, Bulletin Photographs

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The Ladywell, photographed for the April 1983 issue of Glasgow City Council's newspaper The Bulletin.

The well is in a niche in the wall on the north side of Ladywell Street, next to the Necropolis. Its use as a well was discontinued when the first graves were dug on the hillside site in 1833, for fear that the water might become contaminated.

The Ladywell was a feature of the Council's "Adopt a Monument" scheme, an attempt to persuade sponsors to pay for the upkeep of monuments in the city. Tennent Caledonian Breweries was the first firm to take part, and the well is situated close to their Wellpark Brewery. As can be seen from the inscriptions, the Merchants' Guild in 1835 and the Merchants' House in 1874 had contributed to earlier restorations. The 1983 restoration involved cleaning the stonework and replacing the cast-iron urn which marked the original site.

Reference: Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection, Bulletin Photographs

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

breweries, Bulletin, Lady Well, Ladywell, Merchants' Guild, Merchants' House, monuments, Necropolis, Tennent Caledonian Breweries, urns, Wellpark Brewery, wells

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