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International Brigade

Glasgow City Archives, Photographic Series

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International Brigade

Veterans of the International Brigade from the Spanish Civil War at a demonstration in 1972. The poster on the left in support of Spanish political prisoners shows that their commitment had not waned with the passing of the years.

The revolt by generals of the Spanish Army, led by General Franco, against the democratically elected government of Spain in 1936 sparked off a bloody civil war. Franco's nationalists had the active support of the fascist regimes in Germany and Italy, while the communist USSR sent supplies to the republicans. In addition, left-wing idealists from all over the world, including many from Glasgow, fought on the side of the republicans in the International Brigade, which suffered heavy casualties in some of the fiercest fighting of the war.

The International Brigade was withdrawn in 1938 and the nationalists triumphed in the following year. It was only after the death of Franco in 1975 that many of his old opponents felt safe to return to Spain.

Reference: P9123

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

fascism, International Brigade, political demonstrations, socialists, soldiers, Spanish Civil War, trades unions, veterans, volunteers

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