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Mosspark Housing

Glasgow City Archives, Office of Public Works

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Mosspark Housing

Newly-completed Corporation houses at Mosspark Boulevard, 1925. The monotonous appearance of the exteriors would in later years be brightened up by the appearance of a variety of pastel shades.

Mosspark was built in the 1920s on the lines of a garden suburb and is often regarded as the most successful of the Corporation's housing estates. There were no tenements among the terraced, semi-detached and flatted cottages, built around tree-lined streets encircling a steep hill. The high standards of design and workmanship in the construction of the houses placed them in a high rent category, and so most were occupied by skilled workers in regular employment.

Reference: D-OPW 76/29/1

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

cottages, council houses, flats, garden suburbs, Glasgow Corporation, housing estates, housing schemes, streetscenes

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