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Riddrie Housing

Glasgow City Archives, Office of Public Works

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Riddrie Housing

Newly-completed Corporation houses at Riddrie, 1925.

Riddrie was the first housing scheme built for Glasgow Corporation under the provisions of the Housing (Scotland) Act, 1919 (also known as the Addison Act) in an attempt to meet the estimated need for 57,000 new houses in the aftermath of the First World War. The Act placed a responsibility on local authorities to provide working class housing with the help of Government subsidies.

The Riddrie scheme was built between 1920 and 1927 on open fields to the west of Cumbernauld Road. There was a mixture of semi-detached and terraced cottages with gardens and three-storey tenement flats. All the houses had cavity walling and electric servicing, an innovation at the time. Around 1,000 houses were built, most of them allocated to skilled workers earning above-average wages.

Reference: D-OPW 76/28/1

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

Addison Act, cavity walls, cottages, council houses, flats, Glasgow Corporation, Housing (Scotland) Act, 1919, housing estates, housing schemes, tenements

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