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Glass panel by George Walton

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Cardinal Winning

Pollok Housing

Glasgow City Archives, Department of Architectural and Civic Design

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Pollok Housing

Corporation housing at Maidland Road, Pollok, photographed c 1938.

The Pollok scheme was one of the largest built in Glasgow. 3,780 houses were erected at a cost of over £2,000,000, in an area covering 746,368 acres. The land was acquired by Glasgow Corporation in 1935 from the landowner Sir John Stirling Maxwell, who took a keen interest in the development of the estate. Building continued until 1951.

Half the area was set aside as open space, including woodlands and the area around Crookston Castle. The intention was to provide ample play space for children. Twenty-four miles of minor roads were built in addition to the three main arterial roads. All the engineering work was undertaken by the Direct Labour Organisation, with the exception of several bridges required to cross rivers and burns.

Reference: D-AP9/33

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

council houses, Direct Labour Organisation, Glasgow Corporation, housing estates, housing schemes, streetscenes

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