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Precasting Factory, Tollcross

Glasgow City Archives, Department of Architectural and Civic Design

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Precasting Factory, Tollcross

Glasgow Corporation's Precasting Factory at Amulree Street, Tollcross, photographed around the time of its opening in 1946. The factory was built to manufacture of large-size foamslag units used as walls for new houses.

Foamslag was developed by the Research Section of the city's Housing Department in 1938. It is a cellular lightweight aggregate derived from blast furnace slag. When cast in slabs the material retains its characteristic cellular structure on innumerable sealed pores remaining inert and not decomposing.

Foamslag is produced at a very high temperature and so it is incombustible and contains no free sulphur or other deleterious matter. It has many of the properties of cement.

Reference: D-AP9/33

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

aggregates, council houses, factories, foamslag, Glasgow Corporation, Housing Department, Precasting Factory

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