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Pettigrew & Stephens Sale, 1933

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection

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Pettigrew & Stephens Sale, 1933

Miscellaneous ironmongery and household goods illustrated in a sale catalogue issued by Pettigrew & Stephens in January 1933.

Some indication of life in a 1930s British home can be gleaned from the various items in this illustration. Many of them are now collectors' items, with values far in excess of the sale prices shown. Electrical appliances were becoming commonplace. New industries catered for materials in demand for bathrooms and kitchens.

Reference: Mitchell Library, GC 381.14106541443 PET

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Archives

cutlery, department stores, electrical appliances, hardware, household goods, ironmongery, Pettigrew & Stephens, sale catalogues, shopping, shops

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