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Elm Street

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection, Postcards Collection

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Elm Street

A postcard view of Elm Street, Whiteinch, at its junction with Dumbarton Road, c 1910. In the background, to the north, is Victoria Park. The two trees at the street corners were finally cut down in 1986, having reached a height of approximately 50 feet.

The houses in Elm Street were part of a planned development of workers' cottages, known as Gordon Park. The single storey cottages with dormers were built in the 1880s by Gordon Oswald for the workers on his Scotstoun estate. Part of this estate was given to the Burgh of Partick for Victoria Park by Gordon Oswald. The park was opened in 1887 during Queen Victoria's Jubilee year.

Reference: Mitchell Library GC Postcards

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

children, cottages, dormers, elm trees, parks, postcards, Scotstoun estate, streetscenes, Victoria Park, Whiteinch Park

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