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Broomhill Avenue

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection, Postcards Collection

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Broomhill Avenue

A postcard view of houses in Broomhill Avenue, looking north towards the junction with Broomhill Drive, early 20th century.

The Victorian suburb of Broomhill was developed from 1871 by the Victoria Park Feueing Co Ltd. The tenements on Broomhill Avenue were built in 1885 by John Smellie. The south-east end of the avenue is currently occupied by the Balshagray Campus of Anniesland College.

It has been observed that street nomenclature in Glasgow gives a clue to the status of an area. Where "street" predominates in the names of local thoroughfares, it is likely to be a working class area, probably in the north and east of the city; "avenue" is more likely to denote a more prosperous area in the west or south.

Reference: Mitchell Library GC Postcards

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

Anniesland College, avenues, Balshagray Campus, feuing companies, postcards, property developers, property development companies, sandstone, streets, tenements, Victoria Park Feueing Co Ltd

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