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Whitevale Bowling Green

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection, Postcards Collection

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Whitevale Bowling Green

This 1905 postcard shows men playing bowls on Whitevale Bowling Green, surrounded by solid tenement houses in Dennistoun.

Whitevale Bowling Club is the second-oldest private bowling club in Glasgow and has been in existence since 1836. The club was originally situated in the Whitevale area before eventually settling at the top of Whitehill Street. The grounds have often been used for championship competitions.

One of the leading lights of the club was Mr D L Stevenson, who became President of the Glasgow Bowling Association. In 1892 he chaired a number of meetings which resulted in the founding of the Scottish Bowling Association.

Reference: Mitchell Library GC Postcards

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

bowling clubs, bowling greens, bowls, club houses, Glasgow Bowling Association, postcards, sandstone, Scottish Bowling Association, tenements, Whitevale Bowling Club

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