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Old Bridge, Cathcart

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection, Postcards Collection

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Old Bridge, Cathcart

A 1905 postcard view from the east of Cathcart's Old Bridge (also known locally as the Snuff Mill Bridge) over the River Cart. Obscured by trees on the left is the narrow, semicircular southern arch, whereas the wider, segmental northern arch is prominent.

The datestone on the bridge says 1624, but it is generally believed to have been built in the 18th century, re-using some stones from an earlier bridge. Only 10 feet wide, the bridge was for many years part of the main route between Glasgow and Ayrshire. The opening of the granite bridge with tramlines at Holmlea Road in 1902 resulted in the focal point for Cathcart moving downstream. The Old Bridge was closed to traffic in 1924. Still used by pedestrians, it remains a popular spot for artists and walkers.

Reference: Mitchell Library GC Postcards

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

arches, bridges, Old Bridge, Cathcart, postcards, River Cart, Snuff Mill Bridge

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