The colours of the 17th Batallion, Highland Light Infantry. Battalions were traditionally limited to two colours, one of which was the Union flag. St Andrew's Cross was chosen as the regimental colour.
The outbreak of war in 1914 necessitated a rapid expansion of the Regular Army. At a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce on 3rd September, 1914, it was unanimously resolved to form a Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Battalion. Recruitment took place in Merchants' House, and the 17th Batallion was quickly established.
The Highland Light Infantry was formed in 1881 by the union of the 71st and 74th Regiments of Foot. The regiment was always closely associated with Glasgow and, in 1923, the name was expanded to The Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment). In 1959 the HLI amalgamated with The Royal Scots Fusiliers, to form The Royal Highland Fusiliers.
Reference: Mitchell Library, GC 356.1 HIG
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
17th Battalion, Highland Light Infantry, 71st Regiment of Foot, 74th Regiment of Foot, British Army, colours, First World War, flags, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, HLI, Merchants' House, Royal Highland Fusiliers
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