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Western Infirmary

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection

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Western Infirmary

Walter Macfarlane & Co supplied a cast iron fire escape and emergency stair for the Glasgow Western Infirmary, as shown in this photograph c 1910. Safety factors made cast iron a particularly suitable material for this type of structure.

Designed by John Burnet, the Western Infirmary was planned and built as an integral part of the removal of the University of Glasgow from the High Street to its present site at Gilmorehill. The Infirmary has served as a teaching hospital since it was opened in 1874. Its initial complement of 150 beds was increased to 350 in 1881 and 630 in 1906-1911.

Reference: Mitchell Library, GC f672.2506541443 MCF

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

cast iron, fire escapes, foundries, hospitals, infirmaries, iron founders, ornamental ironwork, Saracen Foundry, stairs, University of Glasgow, Walter Macfarlane & Co, Western Infirmary

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