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Glasgow Garden Festival

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection

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Glasgow Garden Festival

Not for those of a nervous disposition, the Coca-Cola Roller was a major attraction at the Glasgow Garden Festival in 1988. The blurring of the image is an indication of the speed at which the carriages were travelling, almost 50 miles per hour.

The Coca-Cola Roller was in the tradition of the switchback railway at earlier exhibitions but much more spectacular and taxing on the nerves and stomach. Carriages hurtled through a series of corkscrew loops and twists and then back along the same route, in reverse. It was advisable to consume the sponsor's product after rather than before the experience.

Reference: Mitchell Library, GC f607.3441443 GLA

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

carriages, Coca-Cola roller, exhibitions, fairground attractions, Glasgow Garden Festival, roller coasters, switchback railways

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