Added TheGlasgowStory: Tait's Directory p42


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Tait's Directory p42

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection

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Tait's Directory p42

The first Glasgow directory was published in 1783 by John Tait. This image is taken from a facsimile reprint published in 1871 by Robert Forrester. Page 42 includes surnames from Lindsay to Logan.

Engraver James Lumsden's work included early Glasgow maps and coloured pictures of popular Scottish characters. The family business eventually passed to his son, James Lumsden, who went on to become a successful stationer and a Lord Provost, 1843-1846.

Reference: Mitchell Library, GC 914.14351

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

artists, directories, engravers, family history, genealogy, John Tait's Directory, lord provosts, maps, stationers

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