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Lady Matilda Maxwell

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International Exhibition, 1901

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection

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International Exhibition, 1901

This photograph shows the magnificent central hall of the Glasgow (later the Kelvingrove) Art Gallery and Museum newly opened for the International Exhibition of 1901. The white Giffnock sandstone allowed elaborate designs, including the city coat of arms, to be carved on the walls.

The sculpture section at the Exhibition, organised by Fra Newbery of the Glasgow School of Art, was located in the central hall among a forest of potted palm trees. Many sculptures were borrowed specially for the Exhibition and some, including two by Rodin, subsequently found a permanent home in the city.

The sculpture in the foreground is Hypnos bestowing sleep by H C Fehr. Nude figures like this had not previously been on public display in Glasgow and caused many a raised eyebrow.

Reference: Mitchell Library, GC f606.4 (1901)

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries and Archives

exhibitions, Hypnos bestowing sleep, International Exhibition, 1901, Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, nudes, palm trees, sculpture

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