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Lobey Dosser
Lobey Dosser

Scottish Cup Final, 1955
Scottish Cup Final, 1955

Alhambra Theatre

Mitchell Library, Theatre Collection

Alhambra Theatre

The Alhambra Theatre, designed by J J Burnet, opened in 1910 on the site of the former Waterloo Rooms in Waterloo Street. With a capacity of 2,400 it was regarded as the best equipped theatre north of London. The high standards of comfort attracted audiences from sections of society which would not previously have visited a music hall, often wearing evening dress.

Many famous variety acts appeared at the Alhambra and its closure in May 1969 was greatly lamented in the city.

Reference: Mitchell Library, Theatre Collection

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

Alhambra Theatre, music halls, theatres, variety, Waterloo Rooms

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