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George Gray

Mitchell Library, The Bailie

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George Gray

George Gray (1835-1905) was a lawyer and Town Clerk of Rutherglen.

Born in Doune, Gray came to Glasgow to work as assistant in the Sheriff Fiscal's office. He was appointed Depute Clerk of the Peace and subsequently Clerk of the Peace for the Lower Ward of Lanarkshire and for the County of the City of Glasgow. Among the other posts he held were those of Clerk of Lieutenancy for Glasgow, Town Clerk of Rutherglen, Clerk to the Grocer Company of Glasgow, Clerk and Treasurer of the Rutherglen School Board and Secretary and Treasurer of the Glasgow Perthshire Society.

Gray set up his own legal firm, George Gray & Son, and was a member of the Faculty of Procurators. He was widely respected for his efficiency and sound judgement, and was a noted bibliophile.

Reference: Mitchell Library, GC 920.04 BAI

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

Faculty of Procurators, George Gray & Son, Glasgow Perthshire Society, lawyers, Rutherglen School Board, town clerks

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