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John Young

Mitchell Library, The Bailie

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John Young

John Young (1827-1886) was a councillor and magistrate.

Born in Fenwick, Young moved to Glasgow in his youth and soon took an interest in public affairs. In 1848, he was a member of a committee which carried out a house-to-house visitation during the cholera epidemic. He was a member of the Barony Parochial Board prior to his election to the Town Council in 1868 as a member for the 13th Ward which he continued to represent until his death.

Young was well known for having his finger on the pulse of the city, and he held office as a river bailie and as a city magistrate.

Reference: Mitchell Library, GC 920.04 BAI

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

Barony Parochial Board, cholera, councillors, magistrates

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