The confectionery firm of John Buchanan & Bros was founded in 1858 by John Buchanan and his brothers Andrew and Alexander. Early success brought a need for larger premises and in 1869 the firm moved to this large new factory in Stewart Street, Cowcaddens.
The firm prospered, extending the factory and adding jam and sweets to its range of products. New machinery increased productivity and demand rose as prices fell. Vast amounts of fruit and sugar were imported and jam and confectionery were exported worldwide. At its height, the factory employed over 1,000 men and women.
The firm was one of the first in Scotland to employ female administrative staff.
Reference: Mitchell Library, GC f 914.1435 STR
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
Buchanan's Confectionery Works, confectioners, jam, John Buchanan & Bros, sugar, sweets, women
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